
map Origin Battlefield 1942 Original Conquest Release 1

By Liam, Szier, GC Team


After the falling of the first death star, the Rebel Alliance stationed their forces on an ice planet surrounded by an asteroid belt. Hoth is both flat and mountainous with a network of caves covered by thick snow, very often do asteroids pelt the surface creating craters, before covering over with snow from the harsh snowstorms, making it an ideal base of operations. With the Empire despatching several thousand probe droids, they eventually found signs of the Rebel Alliance inhabiting a mountain base on the planet Hoth. Once found the Empire launched a full scale ground invasion triggering the Battle of Hoth.

Terrain: Mountainous & Large snowy plains

Inhabitants: Taun Tauns and Wampa’s

Occupants: Rebel Alliance

Hoth Map Hoth Banner Hoth Loading image